Tuesday, May 13, 2014

What Not to Say...

Filing a Claim? What Not to Say...

People usually aren't clear and focused when they file an insurance claim. And who can blame them? The claim usually follows a bad incident, like an accident or a flood. But you can make some serious mistakes, and lose out on some big money, if you say the wrong thing to an insurance company.
The good news? It doesn't have to be that way. Use the following tips when filing an insurance claim.
Don't flood the zone, Insurance companies have their own definition of a flood. Just because your finished basement is under six inches of water because of a busted sump pump doesn't mean the insurer considers it a flood.
Review your insurance policy thoroughly to see what your insurer will pay out for water damage. In general, insurance companies deem a flood as water damage from overflow of a nearby river, lake or rain/hail storm. Better to use the term water damage, us the information from your insurance policy on water damage.
Keep your opinions to yourself! Victims of an accident, flood, fire, storm or other actionable incident can easily chatter their way out of a claim. For example, if you're not sure a home fire started in the oven or on the stove, don't venture a guess. Be like a police detective, keep to the facts and only if you're sure you know what those facts are. If you don't, then better to say nothing at all. It's much better to say "I don't know" than to venture a guess that can be held against you later.
Don't admit guilt, Insurance companies will use all the leverage they can to avoid paying out on a claim. So if the first thing you say is "I did it" or "I apologize" an insurer can use that as an admission of guilt ... or more specifically, an admission of fault. It's best to stick to the facts and only those you know for sure. Don't offer up any commentary on fault or responsibility.
In general, the less you say, the better, when it comes to insurance claims. When you do talk, make sure what you say is backed up by the facts.

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